Best Restaurants in June in Lihuyaozu Township (Updated 2024)

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4 Reviews
US$8Szechuan Cuisine
爱生活Recommend a treasure Tujia restaurant in Libo Ancient Town finally arrived in Libo County at dusk. A small dip is the last activity today - dinner, did not go to the tour guide recommended snack street, but chose to go to the Libo Ancient Town in advance to taste the food. There are not too many tourists in the ancient town in the off-season, and it is easy to find the rural Tujia restaurant. The antique two-story building, more than a dozen tabletops, the hall is full of a strong smell of oily smoke, and it is said that it operates the local special Tujia cuisine in southeast Fujian. The night is dim, the lights are on at the beginning, and you can move to the open-air seat outside the door. You can enjoy the cool breeze while tasting the food, and you can enjoy the beautiful night view at the beginning of summer. After a while, the food was on the table, and the 4 home-cooked dishes I ordered did not disappoint me. The best fresh fried meat, tender meat, slightly spicy just to eat; fried small river shrimp, crispy and fragrant, slightly sweet after chewing; The crystal clear rice noodles (not called silk dolls here) are wrapped in green cucumber silk, yellow carrot silk and white onion silk, the oyster is beautiful, the full mouth is hot and sour juice, full mouth is endless aftertaste; Handmade tofu balls, tofu bubble filled with salty meat filling, with green mushroom ham sausage, hot aroma overflowing (the local dishes taste heavy, the soup is a bit salty, and finally eat a bowl of rice). Two people have a beautiful meal and it is only more than 100 yuan. This should be quite cost-effective in the tourist scenic area. The most important thing is that the night view in the ancient town is unexpectedly beautiful. The loud net red attractions come to Libo to play. If you have time, you must go here. Travel.